Housing resources for First Nations communities


Indigenous communities and federal accessibility standards: A situational review (Word and PDF versions - March 2021) - This report examines how the accessibility standards introduced under the Accessible Canada Act may have an impact on Indigenous Communities.

There is no systematic or national data available to understand the number or type of disabilities for persons living in Indigenous communities. However, several studies and reports suggest that a higher proportion of Indigenous people live with disabilities than found in the general Canadian population. One of the challenges in understanding disabilities in Indigenous communities is that disability may be defined differently in those communities. While there are legislative definitions of disability and barriers, in some Indigenous communities, there may be different cultural meanings for disabilities and barriers.

Disabilities and accessibility in our Communities (MP3 podcast) - Recently, the Canadian government introduced “An Act to Ensure a Barrier-free Canada (Accessible Canada Act) to fulfill its mandate to introduce federal accessibility legislation. This legislation will have impact on Indigenous communities. However, what does disability mean to our communities and how will it impact our communities. For example, some buildings have platform lifts or ramps leading to the outside of buildings, but are they built to code. The concept of disability means different things to different communities.

Codes, building construction and standards


Alberta Building Code changes (2017) - The Alberta Building Code sets the requirements for the location of smoke alarms within dwelling units. Recent changes have been made to the new 2014 ABC.

CSA Standards (version française - PDF)

National Building Code User’s Guide (version française - PDF)

Building construction and standards

An Exploratory Study on the Life Cycle of First Nations Homes (2008) - Understand the life cycle of a home is important, especially when it comes to estimating the maintenance and repair cost of Chief and Council-owned homes. During planning, life-cycle costs are needed to evaluate alternate ways of meeting requirements (e.g., new construction, or renovation of existing facilities). During design, maintenance and repair costs for various types of components, such as built-up or shingle roofs, need to be calculated, so that the total life cycle cost of different designs can be minimized. Finally, once the home has been constructed, yearly predictions of maintenance and repair costs are needed so that enough funds can be programmed to ensure that the homes are maintained properly and do not deteriorate due to lack of maintenance.

Building with Traditional Knowledge (MP3 podcast - 2019) - For many generations, buildings were designed and built without the consultation or integration of Indigenous communities. From schools, to housing, to community centres to rinks, few buildings reflected community values and culture. We are now starting to see great interests in architectures that is more sensitive to Indigenous peoples.

Building Better Homes (MP3 podcast - 2018) - Stories about poor or dilapidated housing conditions on First Nations reserves are a recurring news feature. But that’s not the whole story. This episode focuses on how some communities have found ways to build better housing in their communities.

Building Better in the North (MP3 podcast - 2019) - Many northern Indigenous communities are building homes without understanding the building codes and best practice. This podcast talks about building practices in the north and the importance of a Technical Guide for Northern Housing for people designing or building homes in the northern climates. The podcast focuses on the importance of using materials that are best suited to build homes or maintain them in northern climates. 

Construction Matters: No more Disposable Homes (MP3 podcast - 2020) - This podcast focuses on what has been one of the challenges of construction in Indigenous communities: how to make our homes last longer. We interview Mr. Bruno Di Lenardo is an Evaluation Officer for National Research Council Canada. NRC is responsible for the development of the National Building Code and evaluating some construction materials. We are also talking with Mr. Tex McLeod who has been working for over 30 years on energy efficiencies and the construction of homes. Both have experience in working with our communities.

Housing Decision Making Tool for Chiefs and Councils (2018) - FNNBOA and CCMC established a partnership where the expertise from both organizations can work together to improve the levels of health and safety of people living in Indigenous Communities. We are pleased to present a Housing Decision Making Tool for Chiefs and Councils. This tool is to help the Chiefs and Councils to reduce their housing liabilities, improve the quality of the homes and to make the houses last longer. 

Technical Guide for Northern Housing (TGNH) (2022) - The Technical Guide for Northern Housing (TGNH) provides user-friendly illustrated booklets that outline “best practices” for building solutions in house construction.

Climate change

Residential foundation systems for permafrost regions (PDF - 2020) - Permafrost underlies all of the Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut Territories and much of the northern portions of the provinces, especially Manitoba and Quebec. Frozen ground conditions can have significant adverse effects on structures in the north. The effects of settlement and frost heaving commonly result in the premature deterioration of residential structures. Problems related to foundation design and construction can be reduced to a minimum if care is taken in the selection of suitable sites and appropriate foundation systems. This report presents the results of a literature review, interviews and onsite visits to assess feasible foundation systems for residential construction in permafrost regions. The type of foundation system depends on a number of factors, including type and characteristics of the permafrost, subsurface conditions, availability of excavation equipment, availability of skilled labour, and others. The report is from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation / AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited Calgary, Alberta.

Where did the ice roads go? Climate change and First Nations communities (MP3 podcast - 2019) - Indigenous and northern communities face many challenges including how to manage the impacts of a changing climate, the construction of housing, addressing the high and often fluctuating costs of energy, and promoting sustainable development that balances consideration of environmental, social and economic of the communities. Remote and inaccessible communities are particularly vulnerable due to factors of cold climate, aging and inefficient infrastructure, and reliance on diesel for electricity generation and space heating.

Government of Canada related reports

On-Reserve Housing and Infrastructure: Recommendation for Change (2015) - The report was completed after a two-year look at housing in First Nations communities. The 13 recommendations in the report provide a framework for improving housing conditions for First Nations communities.  One of the major recommendations is to remove the 2 percent cap on annual increases in funding for on-reserve programs and services. Other recommendations in the report include consulting with First Nations communities and organizations to address capacity concerns prior to developing legislation for the application of building codes on-reserve, and consulting with First Nations to explore creating a new ministerial loan guarantee program for First Nations governments to fund housing and infrastructure on reserve. The report also calls for the development of a housing strategy for remote and isolated First Nations communities.

Housing and Health - Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (2007) - The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) contributes to the protection and promotion of the health and well-being of people living in First Nations communities south of 60° parallel through inspections and providing advice to occupants and community administration.

FNNBOA Senate Presentation (2005) - Original presentation document presented to the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal People and the Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples (2005) - Presentation summary/transcript.

Sectoral Follow-up Session on Housing (2004) was the fourth in a series of sessions intended to fulfill the commitment made by Prime Minister Paul Martin at the conclusion of the April 19, 2004. Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable on Strengthening the Relationship.

Guidance for Chiefs and Councils - Community planning, housing authorities, insurance, rents and home ownership, etc.

Community planning

Community planning materials for First Nations communities (PDF)

Housing authorities

A guide to implementing the Authority Having Jurisdiction in Indigenous communities for buildings / Guide de mise en œuvre de l'Autorité Compétente dans les communautés autochtones (2022) - The purpose of this guide is to provide Councils, departments responsible for residential building or housing, and other stakeholders interested in residential building some guidance on the communities’ authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) and the responsibilities for construction under those authorities.

The guide explains how AHJ functions off-reserve and the responsibilities associated with those authorities. The guide also looks at how the AHJ functions on-reserve and the requirements the Council should take to exercise their authorities in the construction of buildings.

The guide further focuses on the development of a building permit or permission system.

First Nations Housing and Building Crises: Management of the Change Process (2013) - The purposes of this report are to present background information on home inspections in FN communities, to understand the challenges for why many Chiefs and Councils are not exercising their governance in terms of the authority having jurisdiction, and what the authority having jurisdictions implies with respect to the construction of homes.

First Nations Rental Policy and Programs: Addressing Key Issues and Challenges (PDF) (2017) - The purpose of this manual is to provide Chief and Council, Housing Authorities or Housing Committees a document to support the development and implementation of a rental programs within their communities. The manual also provides approaches to calculate rental rates and approaches to rent to own policies. 

Guide to Establish a Housing Authority (2018) - Many First Nations are considering a housing authority.  Many view a housing authority as an important component of a self government framework. Ideally, a housing authority will be created through an arm’s length organization. The guide gives an overview on how to establish either a federal or provincial not for profit organization and how this becomes the housing authority. The guide gives sample band council resolutions to allow for a housing authority to be established and policies and procedures that need to be developed to ensure an arm’s length relationship between Council and the Housing Authority. Most importantly, the guide gives samples on the housing authority’s objectives. Finally, the guide shows how the housing authority is accountable back to the Council through independent audits and performance measures.

Housing Authorities (MP3 podcast - 2018) - This podcast explores how some First Nations communities are establishing housing authorities. Housing authorities are a housing management organization that may or may not be incorporated, that manages, administers or operates housing on behalf of owners.  The owners might include the Chief and Council of a First Nation. However, housing authorities operate at an arm’s length from Chief and Council.

Manual for Elected Councillors Responsible for Housing in First Nations Communities (2017) - First Nations governments are formed by a Chief and Councillors who are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the First Nation and its members. The following manual developed by FNNBOA is to provide general information to Councillors responsible for housing.

Overview of Occupations, Skills Requirements and Salaries in the Residential Construction Sector (PDF - 2021 / French version) - Housing professionals and technicians can also find valuable information to help in their decision making.  Here, you will find an important report FNNBOA has just released called “An Overview of Residential Construction Occupation, Skill Requirements and Wages”. This document provides an overview of the approximately 30 key construction trades for new residential construction. Many Indigenous communities hire these construction trades to build new or renovate homes but, may be unaware of the required expertise, or the wage to pay, for these trades. 


Errors and omission insurance: Challenges facing First Nations communities (PDF)

Rents and home ownership

Community makeovers - how housing policies and rental regimes make a difference (MP3 podcast - 2018) - Two communities change their physical housing conditions.  Nunavummiut is a community located in the Nunavik region of northern Quebec.  The community introduced a unique program called “Pivallianiq.” The program focused on beautifying the living environments of the community. Yale First Nations is a community where there were no housing policies, tenants did not pay their rent, and there was no home maintenance. This episode explores how making some changes resulted in much better housing for community members.

Home Ownership (MP3 podcast - 2018) - Many First Nations communities are exploring giving their members a chance to own their own home. This episode looks at what home ownership means and what some of the rewards and challenges associated with home ownership can be.  

Housing and Rental Operational Policy Framework (2017) - This document was developed to assists Chief and Council, Housing Departments or Housing Managers to establish housing policies that include policies on the collection of rent. The intended function of this document is to provide a convenient reference or as an advisory guide.

Rent. This is Not the Musical (MP3 podcast - 2020) Tenancy fees, or rent, are a vital source of revenue for many Aboriginal communities, helping to pay for repairs and maintenance to Chief and Council owned homes. Rent can be used as a revenue stream to purchase new homes. However, implementing a system to collect a tenancy fee, or rent, is one of the most common challenges facing many First Nations.

Indoor health

Air quality

HRV and ventilation - Chatting with Bill Crist (PDF)

Illegal Drug Activity in Homes (fra)

Improving indoor air quality with Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) systems (PDF)

Improving indoor air quality and crawl spaces (PDF)

Normal operating exhaust capacity (PDF)


Indigenous Communities and Covid – 19 (MP3 podcast) - As Coronavirus or covid-19 spreads throughout Canada and other countries, heath authorities are concerned about the potential spread of covid 19 in Indigenous communities. In this podcast we want to focus on how Covid 19 has impacted our communities. We have two incredible people who can provide us some insights about how covid 19 has impacting our communities.

Humidity and condensation

Bathroom window damage caused by condensation (PDF)

Dew point and humidity (PDF)


Mould awareness materials for First Nations communities (PDF)


Indoor radon guidelines (PDF)

Build Radon Resistant Homes in Indigenous Communities / Construire des habitations résistantes au radon dans les communautés autochtones (PDF) (November 2022) - Many Indigenous communities may have radon gas issues. These communities could benefit from building Radon Resistant Homes. Building homes with less radon reduces lung cancer risk and save lives within the community. Important standards have been developed to build Radon Resistant Homes to help Indigenous communities.

Radon Gas - It's in your home / Le Radon - Il Y En Dans Votre Maison / maci-askîwipimiy - astêwa pîhcâyihk kîkihk + maci-askîwipimiy - kîkwây ôma maci-askîwi-pimiy? (PDF) (December 2022) - Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally when the uranium in soil and rock breaks down. It is invisible, odourless and tasteless. When radon is released from the ground into the outdoor air, it is diluted and is not a concern. However, in enclosed spaces like homes, it can accumulate to high levels. High radon levels can be a risk to the health of you and your family.

Maintenance and repairs


Tenant’s Responsibilities - including home maintenance and repairs for their unit (YouTube video - 2022) - FNNBOA has created this webinar for Housing Managers who will share it with new (and existing) tenants. The webinar focuses on the following areas:

  • Important documentation and processes before moving into unit

  • Highlight responsibilities of the Council and tenant

  • Some maintenance repairs expected by tenant

Basic Home Maintenance Guide for Tenants in First Nations Communities (version française) (2017) - This manual will help you as a tenant to perform simple maintenance to fix problems before they become major, expensive issues to repair. Before performing simple maintenance, it is important to contact the Housing Department in your community. They may not want their tenants performing certain maintenance or may have a preferred way to approach maintenance. 

Healthy Home Maintenance Checklist (version française) (2017) - This schedule is a good way to prevent home maintenance problems. You can perform many of the tasks yourself, but some you should leave to your Housing Department. Remember, safety first. Some home maintenance tasks are best left to the Housing Department.

Toolkit's for the home (PDF)


Rehabbing our homes - recovering a home after illegal drug use has taken place (MP3 podcast - 2020) - After a home is vacated what should the Council do to repair these homes? This is a huge issue for not only First Nations but for landlords and Hotel operators. We want to focus on how to rehab a home that has been contaminated by illegal drug use.


Procurement in Indigenous Communities (2020)- The Procurement Books are a series of books to offer guidance to Indigenous communities who want to get better value for their money when they purchase goods and services. The books outline the general procurement principles, procedures and practices for those Indigenous communities interested to establish a procurement process. The books are designed to address many of the procurement challenges associated with Indigenous communities.


Guide - Teleinspections for First Nations Remote Communities (Revised April 2020 - Version française) - FNNBOA has developed teleinspections that uses electronic information and telecommunication technologies to support building code compliance. Under teleinspections the builders are to provide photographs and other information electronically for review by a certified First Nations Building Officer in another part of Canada. Learn more about Teleinspections.